
Monday, March 9, 2009

I'm ready for SUMMER!

Spring is in the air around here, it was 85 degree’s all weekend and 85 means sun dresses and sandals. I have been craving some summer shopping and last weekend got to go with Brandi. I will post some pictures of Brandi and her belly soon! She is 18 weeks along with her first child and her belly is growing bigger by the day. Here are a few things I picked up for this summer!

This yellow hobo bag, yellow is the new black for me this summer. I also picked up some yellow and blue sandals and I’m eyeing this yellow sun dress! Pictures of my new sandals coming soon!

Then Brandi talked me into buying a Pandora bracelet. I was hesitant at first but after trying on some beads I got one! If you’re not sure what a Pandora bracelet is it’s a new twist on the charm bracelet idea, instead of charms you have beads. I chose the 3 beads below and I also have some on the way from EBAY! EBAY has them MUCH cheaper.

Pandora Bracelet with no beads

I love traveling!

I chose the fish bead because I love fishing and FISH :)Here is one of the beads I got on EBAY

Hope everyone had a great weekend, mine was very busy!


sil said...

i'm ready for summer too!! i love the pandora bracelet - it looks really cute!!

Allie said...

can't wait to see Pandora all duded up with the new Ebay beads and charms! Darling purse. Miss you.

lesli said...

i like seeing all your shopping finds! your new bracelet is so cute!

Montana Lion said...

I read this after walking from my car into work and my first response was a surly "screw you missy!" It's a solid 17 degrees outside right now , and is supposed to be only 6 tomorrow! So my second suly response of the day is to tell you to shove your 85! I'm hoping for a warm 50!
Cute purchases! Love the purse!

Ryan K said...

Thank you GIRLS :)

You can come and visit RIKKI! :)