
Monday, March 16, 2009

Brandi & the Bean

In October I received a call from Brandi and she told me she was pregnant, I WAS SHOCKED! RIGHT then I said it’s a girl Brandi, I can feel it. Well, when we were up there a couple of weeks ago we were talking about the baby and she said that everyone thinks it’s a boy, she even thought it was a boy because while she was doing her last ultrasound the doctor said he thought he saw a formation of a ding ding, so the odds were it was a boy.

Well last week they went and found out, ITS A GIRL! YEAH! I can’t wait to find a mini bathing suit for her, she will be precious. Now we just have to wait until late June to meet her! CONGRATS BRANDI!


Allie said...

Aaawww, sweet pictures. I feel like I already know Brandi cause of all the stories! So can't wait to officially meet her & baby girl.

lesli said...

yay a girl! that's exciting news! i feel like i've heard a lot of pregos with girls lately. brandi looks darling pregnant.

Ryan K said...

I know! I hope I look that good if I EVER have a child!

Can't wait for you girls to meet Mrs. Brandi :)