Each card you receive is like a little gift, carefully chosen by a friend or family member; as such, it deserves more than a passing glance and makeshift presentation. Suspend cards-turned-ornaments from dried winter branches in a bucket, vase, or other vessel; you don't need to add any water to enjoy this nature-inspired card display.
You will need:
Dried branches
Bucket or vase
ribbons or strings
Step 1

Gather some branches and place them in a bucket or vase, if your having problems keeping them in place pour some sand in the bottom. Punch a hole through the top of a closed card. String a length of ribbon through the hole, then thread the ends through a bead or two, and tie the ends in a knot or bow. To thread wide ribbon through a small bead, bend a length of 28-gauge wire in half, and send the ends through the bead so the ends are exposed on one side and the loop on the other. Put the ribbon through the wire loop, and pull on the loose ends of the wire, bringing the ribbon through the bead. If you wish, tie a tassel to the ribbon inside the card, too, so it hangs down. Another variation: Punch two side-by-side holes at the top of the card, thread ribbon ends through from the back, and tie a small bow in front.
Step 2

Loop card ribbons over various branches of the "tree." Consider placing pewter bowls of nuts, dried apricots, and dates next to tree to entice visitors into taking a closer look.
have you gotten my card yet? mine are just lined up on my mantle. now I want to do this!
Beautiful! Will one of you girls, just whip me up one while you are making yours? I'm not real crafty, ya know?
yeah Sis that won't be hard to mail.
Here's what i did... you know those branches from my wedding? i hung the two ornaments that i have to it and them placed my cards throughout. luckily i don't get many cards, ha! i'm going to bring a hole punch home tomororw to i can tie ribbons on them and hang them! i love the way it turned out.
I got your card today :) It's lovely Lesli! Allie, When i'm down there I will make you a stick tree and we will keep it in the barn for next year :) Your mom's right, it may be a lot to ship it snail mail.
LESLI, you must take pictures of your creation, I can't wait to see!
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