
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Last Night to Relax

Mount Dora
Tonight’s the last night we will have peace and quiet in our household for a couple of months. We’re making a night out of it and are heading over to Mount Dora, an artsy cozy town that lies on Dora Lake to have dinner tonight. There is a restaurant named Pisces’s Rising that has views of the lake that is outstanding!

I’m getting my usual, the La Te Da scallops.

The restaurant used to be a house built in the 20’s, the owner renovated it completely to maintain the architectural integrity of the classic “Cracker Bungalow” style. It’s darling! The picture below is out on the patio.

My family closed on their house this morning and everything went smooth, their headed down to Florida as I type. They plan on living with us until they find the perfect home to buy, which hopefully won’t take to long. That brings the total to 5 humans and 4 corn chip kids in the “RY” household. I love my family so much but it is nice to have your own space. I’m very excited for them to get here, which will be tomorrow afternoon. Since they will be on the road all day I'm planning on having our “FIRST” family dinner upon their arrival. The menu will be called “Florida”, I’m making garlic crusted grouper out on the green egg, boiled shrimp with baby red potatoes and miniature corn on the cobs…it will be a nice treat since they have been living off of TV dinners and hot dogs for 2 weeks. Everyone pray that they have a safe drive down.

Dora Lake

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