
Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Secret

I have this secret place that’s hidden in Orlando. When your there you feel like your in another world. It’s beautiful, I have been dying to share this with someone, and now I can, my mom. Last night I received a call from her, “Ryan are you sitting down?” ME: YES, “WE SOLD THE HOUSE!” I was shocked, I couldn’t believe that my mom has finally sold her home and she is moving down to Florida to be closer to me! Now I can finally share the stunning spot with someone that will appreciate it. I’m really excited; I know it’s going to be a hard move for everyone, my grandma, mom’s husband Joe. I pray that it goes smoothly and Joe finds a great job. Their moving in with US until they find the perfect home to buy, I’m sure it will be close quarters but will manage, it’s only temporary. I have so many things I want to do with my mom and grandma, please pray that their moving is safe and smooth. I will update as the move goes on. Their closing is in 20 days!

P.S. I posted SALE OF MOMS HOME on the vision board at work yesterday morning, it’s starting to freak me out it works so well!

P.S. #2 to all my close friends, don’t worry, when you come down to visit I will take you to the “Secret” spot, you will LOVE IT! Hint #1: bring your bathing suit Hint #2 Be ready to relax Hint #3 It’s FREE


Allie said...

Yeah, I'm so happy the house sold so quickly!

Mandy S said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! that's SO exciting!! i know you're mom is estatic!! and i'm sure you are too! i'm so excited for you both!! please tell her CONGRATS!!! i was just thinking about her this morning and then i read this!! wow!