So to make the long story short. I'm starting a book club, I already have 5 people signed up and would love to have more. If your interested in starting, comment on my page and let me know if your in. I was thinking in a couple of weeks we could have a conference call and chat away about how great the book is or was :). I will provide the toll free number and dial in code. It will be fun, AND I have made it through the first chapter so I'm in!
P.S. After the first couple of chapters, you get drawn in and can't put it that's what I hear. I will let you know after the weekend.
Me with my Twilight book, I must say I'm anxious to see if this is the book that gets me out of my 6 year rut.
AND anyone that knows camera's, when I don't use my flash, the picture always turns out blurry. Any suggestions?

can i just dial in to listen and not have to read the book? all of our high school girls were counting down the hours last night to go see the movie!
you look really cute in your UGGS!
Yes you can listen, and thanks for throwing in the "high school" line :) jk :) ha ha (sarcasm)
Thank you, they are my old PUGS...I think that's what they call them. You would die to know the price I payed for them.....NOTHING! They were FREE :)
I want free pugs!
Hi Ryan....i'm Christina...i have been looking for an excuse to read that book, so i am totally in! In fact...i am so into the whole vampire thing..(weird i know) i watch True Blood on HBO, have you seen it? Its based off the Southern Vampire Series books...the story of Sookie Stackhouse...the show is great,takes place in Louisiana (i too am a southerner so i love it!) the books are supposed to be great as well.
Me again...i am happy to report that i sent my hubby out to buy the book last night...i could not put it down! i am half way through the book and lovin' it!
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