
Thursday, October 9, 2008

Love you Mom! :)

(Mom and I wet from Universal rides..Horrible pic of me but this is the only one I had on my work computer)

(Mom with weirdo at Universal Studios)

Two months ago the doctor found a cyst on my mother’s ovary the size of an orange. He tested it and all the tests came back negative, it was just a cyst. Last week she went in for an ultrasound to see if the cysts had gone down or disappeared, it hadn’t, now their are more on the other ovary. She got a call yesterday from the doctor and he wants everything out as soon has possible, she has surgery scheduled for a complete hysterectomy next week on Wednesday. They day before I leave to St. Thomas, why so FAST, I hate that were 2000 miles away from each other and I’m not able to be there through everything. I pray everything goes smoothly and she’s healed up in no time. After I return from St. Thomas I turn around and jump on a plane to her. I will help clean, organize, and get stuff done around the house since she won’t be able to move for a couple of weeks. So I will be on an aircraft 4 times in 2 weeks, I hate flying! So please everybody, pray for my mother while she is under during surgery. I’m sure everything will go smoothly; I can’t wait until it’s finish and she’s healed up. I hate seeing my mother down.

On a lighter note, we have Bryan and Brandi coming tomorrow. Brandi and I are attending the Wine and Food Festival at Epcot on Saturday. We get to sample foods and wines from around the world. I look forward to it.


lesli said...

saying prayers for your mama!

also... can i sign up to be apart of the epcot wine & food festival next year? that looks so neat!

Cathy said...

Our Mom just had her ovaries out (because of cysts) in August. Hopefully, your Mom's hysterectomy will go just as smoothly. She's in our prayers.

And, from your comment ... I'm about 25 miles from Ocala.

toulieb said...

Ryan- I am random blog reader that loves your blog.. I just wanted to say don't worry about your mom. My mom just went thru this and while she was in ALOT of pain and had a LONG recovery, she will be ok. They want to take them out so fast for fear that they MAY rupture, which can be very painful. Love you blog!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you all for your concerns...
I appreciate the prayers and concerns...this helps the anxieties a bit...I will fell a lot better and can't wait to get it behind me...Love you all...

Ryan K said...

Thank you Lesli, and YES NEXT YEAR you will have to come to the food and wine festival!

Cathy-Thank you, this makes mom and I feel better.

toulieb-Thank you for commenting, this helps us so much to here from people that have already had it. Mom is so worried. It makes me so happy that you enjoy my blog. Do you have one? If so I would love to read it. RY

Mandy S said...

awww!! Debbie, i miss you!! glad i can keep up with you on Ryan's blog! i'll be prayin for you! wish you a swift recovery!! (sorry the comment was for your momma, ryan! - enjoy your wine tour!! i'm jealous!) take good care of your momma! we love her!