
Friday, January 14, 2011


MEET Roxy Kay, a puppy mill dog that we saved from our local shelter. Yesterday was her first day and were already in love with her. She has yet to mess in the house! She loves to cuddle and sleep. I will take more pictures of her, she is slowly coming out of her shell and exploring her surroundings. Right now she's sleeping on my lap as I work :)

Sleepy Baby

Here she is before she came home...

Does anyone have any good tips on crate training a puppy?


  1. so adorable! Good for you for rescuing her! I went to the local animal shelter just before Christmas (didnt leave with anything)but am wanting to very soon!

  2. We just rescued a puppy in Sept. WE.LOVE.HIM!!
    From all the conversations I've had with the vet and other pet owners, the rescued puppies sometimes are just easier to train since they really didn't have MOMMY love from the beginning.
    We made sure to block off the crate because it was bigger than the pup needed. We found he really waited to mess until we let him outside! After about a week, we stopped closing the crate but kept him confined to the kitchen. We were consistent and it really wasn't long before he "got it". We also strung bells on the door handle touched his nose with them before we took him out. After a while he would ring the bell when he wanted to go out.
    Now he is almost 6 months, is allowed anywhere in the house and we haven't had ONE PROBLEM.
    Good luck....Roxy is adorable!!!

  3. Love, love, love!! She is adorable!! I totally crate trained rookie. And the vet told me that they can "hold it" for about an hour for every month they are old. So when they are 3 months you really can't expect them to go longer than about 3 hours without needing to go potty. That said, they think of their crate as their "home" and they really don't want to go potty in it. So, they do their best to hold it. Also, he told me to never, ever use the crate as punishment. You want them to love their crate if you're going to put them in it during the day. So you want them to view it as their home and not as punishment. You can't confuse them by using it as both. So, hope those 2 tidbits help a little. Enjoy your new family member! What a doll!!

  4. How precious! Just keep him in his crate whenever you are not playing with him. The minute you open the crate you need to take him to the same spot in the yard and let him use the bathroom. Good luck!
