
Friday, October 1, 2010

Halloween Costumes

I haven't dressed up for Halloween in over 10 years. This year I'm having a costume party and I wont lie, I'M EXCITED!

I've been running for my Halloween costume this year. I'm going to be PUMPKIN WOMAN...well if she fits. Right now I look like a stuffed sausage. Plan B is a vampire in a black slimming dress with spanx.

Bear is going to be a bucking bull. He's excited about it. I wanted him to be a pumpkin with me but he went behind my back and ordered this from Harley and Velvet don't want to be anything. Harley's afraid of his own shadow and Velvet would have hers chewed off within 4 minutes.

What are you going to be?
What should Jim be? (he said a mobster..BORING)


melissa said...

Fun! Love the doggy costume - too funny. I think a group of friends and I are going to go as the motorcycle gang from Sons of Anarchy. It should be easy to pull together and fun.

Kristen said...

Ha ha, my dog is going to be the SAME thing! I love Target, and their fun dog costumes!

Jen said...

Oh my gosh, that doggie costume is brilliant!! Now I just need a dog ;-)

jdracecar said...

Really cute ideas, I absolutely love Halloween, I also really like your fall pictures at the top of your blog :)

Shannon said...

Pumpkin girl is an adorable idea for a costume!

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