
Monday, October 11, 2010

Fridays Dinner Party

It's finally cool enough in the evening time to enjoy the patio. I lit the fire and we ate outside this time :) I'm so mad at myself, I didn't take many pictures :( I used to be VERY good at remembering, but here recently I haven't been on top of things.

I grilled Zucchini and squash with a filet of tenderloin. I loved eating outside with everyone :)

Look what Kalena brought me :) A pumpkin man with brownies and a beautiful basket :) THANK YOU KALENA! That was so thoughtful and your brownies were DELISH!


Here's Miss Lenee...she made some yummy guacamole :) THANK YOU! It was tasty!!! She's now in charge of the guac from here on out. Her husband Clint got to see his cushions in use. I'm still shocked he was able to make them so quickly and have the perfect color for the patio.

We played Partini

We let the boys win so we wouldn't have to hear them bi*** about it all night :)

I had a great time!!! THANK YOU FOR COMING!!!


  1. OMG Partini was the longest game ever! Lenee is diehard I have to remember that the next time "game night" is mentioned! What a great time!- Kalena

  2. I love the outdoor fireplace! I've always wanted one.

  3. Looks like such a fun night! I love Partini!
