
Sunday, October 3, 2010


Mom, Memaw, and I are going to NEW YORK CITY next month. It's been Memaw's dream to go so were marking it off her list.

I've been researching New York restaraunts tonight and stumbled upon this "BEST OCTOPUS" article. OMG! THIS WILL BE MY FIRST STOP! It sounded so good I wanted to share the article with you.

Best Octopus

  • Anthos

    36 W. 52 St., nr. Fifth Ave.; 212-582-6900

    Few delicacies are more fraught with peril than the octopus. It’s rubbery when undercooked, mushy when overdone, and grisly to look at, even under the best of circumstances. But in the hands of a master, sometimes miracles occur. At his flagship midtown restaurant, Anthos, the great Greek American chef Michael Psilakis roasts his octopus tentacles in white wine and ouzo until they’re perfectly tender, then seasons them unconventionally in a wood smoker. After that, he crisps the octopus in a frying pan, then plates it with yogurt flavored with lemons and fennel pollen, and a warm salad made with chanterelles, pickled onions, and wheels of frizzled lemon. The result is a mix of soft, charred textures and creamy and tart tastes, all bound together with an unexpected overlay of sweet, delicate smokiness. It’s the kind of savory seafood confection even an octopus hater can love.

1 comment:

  1. Y'all are going to have such a fun trip! Can't wait to hear all about it.
