
Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 1

(Disclaimer: I'm using my blog to document my trip down in the islands. I'm doing it for me and my family and your more than welcome to read but wanted to let you know it will be a diary for the next month....I know a lot of you are thinking do they not have to work? YES! I've been working since 7:00 AM this morning. Thank GOD for internet or we wouldn't be able to leave. Where are their poor dogs? Our dogs don't even notice were gone, we have friends staying at our house for the whole month, so the house isn't empty and the dogs can go on living thier happy lives. OMG why are they telling everyone their gone, what if someone breaks in!...our friends will be there full time, their will always be someone in our home and I'm lucky to have my mom near by)

Here is a picture of where I will be when I write my diary posts...and work :)
Our bungalow hangs off a cliff...
This video is of our villa, I was meant to be a text message to Jason and Jaclyn.


We arrived on the island yesterday afternoon. They drive on the other side of the road and the roads wind around since their are cliffs and steep hills, so the drive to the villa or I like to call it "bungalow" was very interesting. We've rented a vechilce and driving around is quite nerve-wracking, and most roads aren't marked. (MAP QUEST doesn't exist down here).

We went to a local market and bought steaks last night. It was nice to grill and the meat was pretty good quality. I made baked potatoes and grilled onion and squash. The wind is very strong so we have no AC. It was hard for me to fall asleep but I'm sure over time I will get used to it. I've been spoiled because we sleep with the AC freezing at home.

So far I'm loving the island. Today we are going to COST-U-LESS for laundry soap, dish detergent, and the basics. (I think I failed to mention why we are here. Due to the oil spill in the Gulf the boat Jim usually fishes on is down here). If it doesn't storm this afternoon we are going lobstering, I think this is the coolest thing and if you REALLY can catch lobster that easy, well this is paradise.

Hope everyone is having a great day!

1 comment:

  1. I would like to exchange links with your site
    Is this possible?
