
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Fourth of July

Brandi, Bree, and Bryan came down over the weekend to spend the 4th of July with us. Poor Brandi was sick when she arrived but by Saturday I had her up at Bella. We were the only ones in the whole restaurant and I asked our server if we could go hang out in the men's locker room to take some pictures for J & Bryan...why take pictures?? WELL, they like to rub it in on how nice it is, the ladies locker room doesn't even have a steam room and it's about 5 times smaller than the men's. We had fun :)

Men's Locker Room
I'm not big on pool
After Bella we headed home and shot off some fireworks and made fake tattoo's on our ankles...doesn't that sound like FUN? It was :)
For the 4th J and I invited some family and friends over. Bryan BBQ up some ribs and chicken wings, I stuck to hamburgers and brats on the grill.
B and me with the fireworks :)

Some of the boys...
Sweet Memaw
Mom made the best cupcakes :)
Everyone out front waiting on the fireworks...

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