
Thursday, June 10, 2010

St. Thomas

We finally have Internet back in our house! I have been using my air card for months now and it's doubled my work time. Now it's smooth sailing and I can post pictures quickly again.

Everyone has seen the devastation in the Gulf due to the oil spill...well Jim's fishing tournaments have all be canceled. It makes me sad and sick to my stomach when I think about all the wildlife and waterways being effected.


So, due to the horrible oil spill the boys are taking the boat down to St. Thomas so they can fish...and I'm excited to say we will be living there for over a month. I will bring my work and get a taste of living island style. I haven't been this excited in a long long time. It's been a tricky couple of months dealing with everyday life and J and I need this. It will be fun exploring the islands and eating local fish and I promise to blog my way through it. The house were renting does have INTERNET! :) It's a bungalow that looks out to the ocean. We only have AC in our bedroom, the rest of the house is open to sea breeze. I CAN'T WAIT! Until then, I leave to Jac and Jen for Jen's baby shower next week! I love staying with Jason and Jac, it always makes for a great time. (J and J are also going on the island adventure with us)'s a secret..ssshhhhh. :) Hope everyone is having a great week, the weekend is near!

These pictures are from last October while we were in St. Thomas
St. Thomas here we come!
Who knows, we may stay...


  1. Aaawww, yall will have such a great time. Wish I could come join you. Prices are OK, but good grief 17 1/2 hour flights aren't too appealing!

  2. Wow, that sounds amazing. A month in paradise! I'm not sure if I'd come back either.

  3. i want to go to there! that looks amazing! keep an eye out ~ you might see me and jf on your front porch!=)

  4. I love the new look of your blog. I know you will have a fabulous time this summer. Don't forget about us.
