
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Help me Choose!

We have finally decided on getting a pool. After the patio being built it cries for one. We are in the final stages of pulling the permits and they should break ground in 2 weeks :) It wont be complete until September but at least it will be here in time for the big Pumpkin Man party. I can't explain to you how excited I am...I'M OVER THE MOON EXCITED! Does that even make since? probably not :)

Here is a sketch below...I have changed a few things but you get the idea...

I have ONE last thing to choose, which is the water line border around the pool. I have chosen tiny mosaics instead of large's these 2 colors below...I NEED HELP!! Which one is your favorite?
This picture gives you an ex...I didn't choose these dark colors

Here are my 2 favorites...

#1 Aqua & Greens

#2 Cobalt Blue & Aqua


  1. I prefer the 2nd one. I see the aqua one everywhere, but the cobalt is refreshingly pretty!

  2. SO exciting! How awesome will it be to have a pool next summer when this crazy heat returns?!?! Love the shape of the pool you picked. Honestly, I think either of the small mosaic tiles will look great. If I had to choose, I'd pick the aqua, but they're both great choices.

    Love the new blog header too!

  3. Like them both, but prefer aqua.

  4. I vote #2, it is BEAUTIFUL and very versatile, you could coordinate a lot around the cobalt, where the aqua might restrict your palette options. YAY for new pool!! xoxo

  5. Love the aqua. I'm thinking along with this pool you should build a pool house so that I can just move in!

  6. I like # 1 but I wonder which one is prettier in the water.
