
Monday, April 5, 2010


Thursday I turned 27...I'm getting old I know. We went to Epcot's Garden and Flower Festival and had a fabulous time. Here are some pictures of the beautiful day below. Thank You JIM, MOM, and MEMAW FOR MAKING MY DAY SO GREAT! and THANK YOU to all my friends for the great birthday wishes!

We ate in Mexico and I had a Blood Orange margarita that was delish!

I was so amazed by the lemon tree's in the Disney Greenhouse tour. 9 pound lemons! REALLY! It makes a gallon of lemonade with just one lemon! I would die to have these in my backyard.
For those who can't see, these lemons are about the size of a football.

They also had idea is an outdoor living room I fell in love with :)

Jim and I in Italy :)

Mom and I


  1. Hi Beautiful, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! No way are you getting old! Besides everyone keeps telling me 30 is the new 20 (my birthday was last week too, fellow Aries friend! XOXO) Wishing you a year full of complete happiness and joy!

  2. ahhh that looks like fun. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

  3. Looks like a fabulous time! Happy Birthday :)

  4. Happy Belated Birthday!
    Remember, Denver turned 28, and that makes 27 look like nothing!
