
Monday, April 26, 2010

My Weekend

We had Jim's mother and grandma in town this past weekend. We took our grandmas to the Celebration Pie Festival which was a blast. For $5 you get to have ALL YOU CAN EAT PIE, which works out perfectly for our families since they love sweets so much. I'm not big into pies and I'm probably the only one that didn't get my moneys worth. Mom was like a child in a candy one point she had 4 pies in her hand. Jim on the other hand, well lets just say he tried EVERY piece of pie and even snuck 2 past the pie police so he could take them home. I tried a sliver of the banana cream pie and peach pie...the winner was the peach. They even had key lime pie on a stick dipped in chocolate. Enough about pies, here are some pictures from that day.

Memaw and I (Look at that grin on her face, maybe she was in a sugar coma)

Apple pie tasting

He's never been so happy...

They really had pie police because they didn't want people taking the pies home.

Sunday we took his mom and grandma to the Clermont farmers market. I love it because of the fresh seafood stand they have every week. I also found a wood stand for the new patio that was $5! All it needs is a little paint.

I also got some fresh herbs for $1 a piece...

My new garlic chives :)
(These 2 bright colored pots came from Home Depot, they have EVERY color and are pretty reasonably priced) I stuck a "R" sticker on the pot below :)

Lemon Thyme

This below is Bergamot...I never have used this herb but it tastes like sugar...Jim had to have it


  1. How fun. Memaw looks sweet as can be.

  2. My thighs are SO happy that I didn't hear about this pie festival! I would have been like your husband and eaten everything I could get my hands on (except peach, which I don't like. Haha!) Love the new pots for your herbs. I hit up Home Depot for herbs this weekend too, but I think I may have lost my cilantro, chives and parsley to the crazy storms that came through last night. They were floating in the planter this morning. :(
